Tuesday, April 7, 2009

+1 brother

i've gained a brother. his name is andrew, he's a freshman (well, technically, i think he's a sophomore....) at kettering university and a member of the delta tau delta fraternity. Okay, so, he sounds exactly like my real brother, but i swear he's a real person. for one thing, he's way taller than drew. he also has cooler shoes, and goes by the name sully.

he moved in, like, a week ago. he lives in the green room. well, obviously not my green room... my room is newly green so i guess it can be called A green room, but it's certainly not THE green room. he's like BFFs with drew, which must be cool for them since they live together now and hang out constantly. he watched me fold my laundry on sunday. not, like, in a creeps way or anything; it was more of a we're-all-in-the-same-room-watching-the-same-movie kind of way and me and my laundry were just hanging out on the floor.

oh, okay. so. i think this girl in my class brought a friend/brother/boyfriend to class. i'm gonna say it's safe to assume it's her boyfriend from how her hands are like... on him and stuff while he starts up his computer... it's all very strange. he's kinda creeps; his face is weird, there's just something about it. and, like my advertising ta, it's slightly reminiscent of what a rapist's face looks like. obviously, rapists don't all look the same, and there's not just, like, one feature that all rapists have. it's just like... there's something about it that's slightly... what's the word?... creeps! anyway, i'm not suggesting that he's going to rape me, or that he's a rapist at all. i'm sure he's not, i'm sure he's a very nice man who just happened to be dragged to class by his girlfriend and now he feels all kinds of awkward sitting next to some girl who thinks he looks like a rapist for no reason at all.

at any rate, i'm just saying. there's something creeps about him.

now, for something unrelated:

ps. how presh is this?! it's from the lansing state journal. i saw it today and just felt my heart warm right up.

moving right along... i was talking to erica about this a little bit last night during the game (side note: sad face). i sit in my FCE class every tuesday night and just worry that i'm going to die. last week we talked about toxins and now i'm all worried that all of the plastic in my life is going to kill me. even plastic that i have nothing to do with, i just think i'm gonna die because it's out there, deteriorating, breaking down and into something i could possibly consume. i don't wanna drink out of water bottles; they're bad for the environment and they're bad for me. not good! and when i used one of those orange-y smelling antibacterial wipes yesterday to clean off the kitchen counter, i immediately worried that those chemicals seeped through my skin and knocked off a few months of my life.

today, we're talking about autism and adhd. now, because of this, i feel like i have both of those things. this class really does nothing to help my paranoia and hypochondriasis (sp?!).

anyway, sully. yeah. i guess he's pretty cool. only time will tell. but, like, seriously, what's one more "brother" in my life? i already have like... three, so i guess this temporary one won't be so bad.

looove. <3


  1. The whole time i was reading this i thought you were referring to 'sully' as in mulder and sully, from the x-files. After seeing your monster's inc. label i realize that you were not. I also realize the x-files bitch is named 'scully'. That is all.

  2. BHAHAHA your paranoia completes my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
