Monday, July 13, 2009

flooded with all this pain, knowin' i'll never hold you like i did before the storm

two things:

1.) i'm obsessed with twitter
2.) i'm psyched for harry potter tomorrow night

oh, also, the following:

- i'm strangely in love with the song "before the storm" by miley cyrus and nick jonas. (that makes me want to blow my own brains out, thankyouverymuch)
- im avoiding a friend request on facebook
- tam made me try on the six-carat diamond ring that will one day be mine
- i've been trying to think of things to tweet to dane cook so our notebook-esque love affair can finally begin
- im going to work with tam tomorrow like a five year old.

and finally, the saddest piece of news in my life, a tidbit that will devastate anyone who knows/knew her:

i'm fairly certain baby is dying.


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